An utility to format current datetime as a UTC string according to RFC 3339
A procedure to use in Seeburger BIC Mapping Designer
It will extend your library for string handling
// -----------------------------
// Peter Lykkegaard, 12 okt 2022
// -----------------------------
// procedure getCurrentDateTimeUTC
// Parameters: None
// Get current date / time
// Format as String in UTC RFC 3339 format (eg 2022-10-13T23:37:18+02:00)
// Output
// alphanumeric / String
// Ref:
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
local output$;
String output;
DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX");
OffsetDateTime now =;
output = dtf.format(now);
An utility to remove leading zeros from a string
A procedure to use in Seeburger BIC Mapping Designer
It will extend your library for string handling
// -----------------------------
// Peter Lykkegaard, 18 april 2020
// -----------------------------
// Remove leading zeros
// TODO! Check parameters if they are of valid type/content
// Name: unZeroFill
// Description:
// Parameters
// input$, alphanumerical / String which have leading zeros removed
// Output, alphanumeric / String without leading zeros
local output$;
String output = _StrVar_INPUT.getString();
// Only if numeric remove leading zeros
if (output.matches("\\d+"))
output = output.replaceFirst("^0+(?!$)", "");
An utility to split a string based on an character
A procedure to use in Seeburger BIC Mapping Designer
It will extend your library for string handling
// -----------------------------
// Peter Lykkegaard, 22 mar 2019
// -----------------------------
// Split string into its sub components based input characters
// TODO! Check paramteters if they are of valid type/content
// Name: splitString
// Description:
// Parameters
// input$, alphanumerical / String which needs to be split
// criteria$, alphanumerical / Character to split
// Output, alphanumeric / array / Array of strings to return
local output$[];
final String input = _StrVar_INPUT.getString();
final String criteria = _StrVar_CRITERIA.getString();
String[] data;
if ((criteria == "-") || (criteria == "+") || (criteria == "|"))
data = input.split("\\" + criteria + "|\\*|\\/");
data = input.split(criteria, 0);
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
_StrVar_OUTPUT.getJuVar(idx, 2).setString(data[i]);
XSLT transformations using XMLUnit.NET
Load source document and call transformation
// -----------------------------
var source = Org.XmlUnit.Builder.Input.ByTransforming(Org.XmlUnit.Builder.Input.FromFile(""))
Script to stop or start IIS and Biztalk services on local computer
Must be run with elevated rigths to stop services
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Peter Lykkegaard
# Created 9 sep 2017
# Filename: SwitchHostsInstanceState.ps1
# Changelog
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author Date Changes
# Peter Lykkegaard 14 sep 2017 Added stop/start/status of IIS
# References
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main routine
function Switch-HostInstanceState
if (Test-Arguments)
switch ($handle)
{$_ -in "Stop", "Start", "Status"}
# Disable or Enable all host instances
# If already disabled receive* hosts will not be enabled
Invoke-ServiceState $handle
if ($handle -ne 'Status')
# Write current status
Invoke-ServiceState "Status"
default {
function Test-Arguments
Write-Host "`n**********************************************************"
Write-Host ("Handle = '{0}'" -f $handle)
if (
$handle.length -eq 0
Write-Host "`nOne or more arguments are missing`n"
return $False
return $True
function Show-HelpArguments
Write-Host "**********************************************************"
Write-Host "Use the SwitchHostsInstanceState.ps1 to `n"
Write-Host " Needed parameters:"
Write-Host " 0 : -Handle`tStop|Start|Status"
Write-Host "`n"
Write-Host "Usages: SwitchHostsInstanceState.ps1 -Handle [Switch]"
Write-Host "Sample: SwitchHostsInstanceState.ps1 -Handle ""Start"""
Write-Host "`n**********************************************************`n`n"
Function Invoke-ServiceState([string] $handle)
# Get all In-process BizTalk hostinstances (HostType=1)
$inProcessHosts = "HostType=1" # Exclude IsolatedHosts which does have a corresponding service
$nsBTS = "root/MicrosoftBizTalkServer" # Biztalk Namesspace in WMI
$receiving = "Receiving*" # All Receiving Hostinstances
$filter = "($inProcessHosts)" # Filter for WMI lookup
$hostInstances = Get-WmiObject MSBTS_HostInstance -Namespace $nsBTS -Filter $filter
$instances = $hostInstances
switch ($handle)
# Disable or Enable all host instances
# If already disabled receive* hosts will not be enabled
# Gracefully stop IIS services
$iis = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -Filter "Name = 'W3SVC'"
if ($iis.State -eq 'Running')
Write-Host "Stopping IIS Services /noforce..."
& {iisreset /stop /noforce}
# Handle all selected host instances
Write-Host "`nDisable and Stop BizTalk Host Instances "
Write-Host "**********************************************************"
Write-Host "`nEnable and Start BizTalk Host Instances "
Write-Host "**********************************************************"
# Check for disabled hosts other than receiving, if any found loop through the collection
$instances = $hostInstances | Where-Object {$_.hostname -notlike $receiving -and $_.IsDisabled -eq $True}
if (!$instances)
$instances = $hostInstances
# Handle all selected host instances
Write-Host "`nStatus of IIS "
Write-Host "**********************************************************"
$iis = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -Filter "Name = 'W3SVC'"
Write-Host ("Web server - {0}" -f $iis.State)
Write-Host "`nStatus of BizTalk Host Instances "
Write-Host "**********************************************************"
default {
# Handle undefined or wrong value
foreach ($hostInstance in $instances)
switch ($handle)
"Stop" { # Disable all but stop only receiving hostinstances
if (!$hostInstance.IsDisabled)
$hostInstance.IsDisabled = $true
$hostInstance.Put() > $null
Write-Host $hostInstance.hostname 'is disabled'
if ($hostInstance.hostname -like $receiving)
# if service is running
if ($hostInstance.servicestate -eq 4)
Write-Host ('Stopping service: {0} ...' -f $hostInstance.hostname)
try {
$windowsService = ('BTSSvc${0}' -f $hostInstance.HostName)
Get-Service -Name $windowsService | Stop-Service
#Stop-Service -DisplayName $windowsService
catch {
Write-Host ('Error stopping host {0}, please check eventlog for details' -f $hostInstance.hostname), -ForegroundColor "red"
if ($hostInstance.servicestate -ne 4)
Write-Host ('{0} is stopped' -f $hostInstance.hostname)
"Start" { # Ensable all but do not start receiving hostinstances
if ($hostInstance.IsDisabled)
$hostInstance.IsDisabled = $False
$hostInstance.Put() > $null
Write-Host $hostInstance.hostname 'is reenabled'
if ($hostInstance.hostname -notlike $receiving)
# if service is not running try to start it
if ($hostInstance.servicestate -ne 4)
Write-Host ('Starting service: {0} ...' -f $hostInstance.hostname)
try {
$windowsService = ('BTSSvc${0}' -f $hostInstance.HostName)
Get-Service -Name $windowsService | Start-Service
#Start-Service -DisplayName $hostInstance.HostName
catch {
Write-Host ('Error starting host {0}, please check eventlog for details' -f $hostInstance.hostname), -ForegroundColor "red"
# Notify is started
if ($hostInstance.servicestate -eq 4)
Write-Host ('{0} is started' -f $hostInstance.hostname)
"Status" { # Status for BizTalk Services
switch ($hostInstance.servicestate) {
1 { $hostInstanceState = "Stopped" }
2 { $hostInstanceState = "Start pending" }
3 { $hostInstanceState = "Stop pending" }
4 { $hostInstanceState = "Running" }
5 { $hostInstanceState = "Continue pending" }
6 { $hostInstanceState = "Pause pending" }
7 { $hostInstanceState = "Paused" }
8 { $hostInstanceState = "Unknown" }
Write-Host $hostInstance.hostname '-' $hostInstanceState
if ($handle -eq 'Start')
$iis = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -Filter "Name = 'W3SVC'"
if ($iis.State -ne 'Running')
# Start IIS services
Write-Host "`nAttempting to start IIS Services ..."
& {iisreset /start }
# Entry point