Please note: This code sample was created and tested using Ext.NET 2.0 Beta 1.
A slightly more comples example with command button to insert, edit and delete rows, taken from Gridpanel -> Saving Variations -> Httphandler
The NorthwindDataContext and other needed classes can be fetched from the download section at Ext.NET:
Add a new project (Ext.Net.Examples) to your solution and add the classes you need to the project. Northwind and SerializableEntity can be found in the Code folder
I have created some functions to illustrate how the code can be organized when working in code behind. Columns and type of editor to use should be stored in configuration files or a tables but for this example everything is fixed/hardcoded values
Problem with generic handler
There is a minor problem with generic handler: SuppliersSave
Find this code
// --
StoreResponseData sr = new StoreResponseData()
And replace with this
// --
// We need to intialize the StoreResponseData otherwise an exception is thrown
StoreResponseData sr = new StoreResponseData()
Data = JSON.Serialize(string.Empty),
Message = string.Empty,
Success = true,
Total = 0
Also please note that the notwinddatacontext classes has joins between tables and as a consequence a lot of tables is loaded when quering the suppliers table from linq
I deleted the joins in order to test the code below but a less drastic approach is proabably the better
<!-- -->
<%@ Page Language="C#"
Inherits="dk.looksharp.crud._default" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
<!DOCTYPE html />
<head id="head" runat="server">
<title>The CRUD Example</title>
<link href="/resources/css/site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />
// --
using System;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Configuration;
using ext = Ext.Net;
namespace dk.looksharp.crud
public partial class _default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected ext.Column BuildColumn(string dataIndex, string columnLabel)
return BuildColumn(dataIndex, columnLabel, 0);
protected ext.Column BuildColumn(string dataIndex, string columnLabel, int flex)
return new ext.Column
ID = string.Format("col{0}", dataIndex),
DataIndex = dataIndex,
Text = columnLabel,
Flex = flex,
Editor =
new ext.TextField()
ID = string.Format("txt{0}", dataIndex),
protected ext.Model BuildModel()
return new ext.Model()
ID = "model",
IDProperty = "SupplierID",
Fields =
new ext.ModelField("SupplierID"),
new ext.ModelField("CompanyName"),
new ext.ModelField("ContactName"),
new ext.ModelField("ContactTitle"),
new ext.ModelField("Address"),
new ext.ModelField("City"),
new ext.ModelField("Region"),
new ext.ModelField("PostalCode"),
new ext.ModelField("Country"),
new ext.ModelField("Phone"),
new ext.ModelField("Fax")
protected ext.Store BuildStore()
return new ext.Store()
ID = "store",
Proxy =
new ext.AjaxProxy()
Url = "SuppliersSave.ashx",
Reader = {
new ext.JsonReader()
SuccessProperty = "success",
MessageProperty = "message"
Writer =
new ext.JsonWriter()
Encode = true,
SyncParameters =
new ext.StoreParameter()
Name = "action" ,
Value = "operation.action",
Mode = ext.ParameterMode.Raw
Model =
Sorters =
new ext.DataSorter()
Property = "CompanyName",
Direction = ext.SortDirection.ASC
Listeners =
Write =
Handler = "Ext.Msg.alert('Success', 'The suppliers have been saved');"
protected ext.Panel BuildTopPanel()
return new ext.Panel()
ID = "panel",
Region = ext.Region.North,
Border = false,
Height = 120,
BodyPadding = 6,
Html = "<h1>CRUD Grid Example</h1>" +
"<p>Demonstrates how to get data from HttpHandler and save using HttpHandler.</p>"
protected ext.GridPanel BuildCrudPanel()
return new ext.GridPanel()
ID = "gridPanel",
Region = ext.Region.Center,
Title = "Suppliers",
Icon = ext.Icon.Lorry,
Frame = true,
Store =
ColumnModel =
Columns =
BuildColumn("CompanyName", "Company Name", 1),
BuildColumn("ContactName", "Contact Name"),
BuildColumn("ContactTitle", "Contact Title"),
BuildColumn("Address", "Address"),
BuildColumn("City", "City"),
BuildColumn("Region", "Region"),
BuildColumn("PostalCode", "Postal Code"),
BuildColumn("Country", "Country"),
BuildColumn("Phone", "Phone"),
BuildColumn("Fax", "Fax")
SelectionModel =
new ext.RowSelectionModel()
ID = "rowSelectionModel",
Mode = ext.SelectionMode.Multi,
Listeners =
Select =
Handler = "#{btnDelete}.enable();"
Deselect =
Handler = "if (!#{gridPanel}.selModel.hasSelection()) {#{btnDelete}.disable();}"
Plugins =
new ext.CellEditing()
ID = "cellEditing"
Buttons =
new ext.Button()
ID = "btnAdd",
Text = "Insert",
Icon = ext.Icon.Add,
Listeners =
Click =
Handler = "#{store}.insert(0, {}); #{gridPanel}.editingPlugin.startEditByPosition({row:0, column:0});"
new ext.Button()
ID = "btnDelete",
Text = "Delete",
Icon = ext.Icon.Delete,
Disabled = true,
Listeners =
Click =
Handler="#{gridPanel}.deleteSelected();if (!#{gridPanel}.hasSelection()) {#{btnDelete}.disable();}"
new ext.Button()
ID = "btnSave",
Text = "Save",
Icon = ext.Icon.Disk,
Listeners =
Click =
Handler = "#{store}.sync();"
new ext.Button()
ID ="btnCancel",
Text = "Clear",
Icon = ext.Icon.Cancel,
Listeners =
Click =
Handler = "#{gridPanel}.getSelectionModel().deselectAll();;if (!#{gridPanel}.hasSelection()) {#{btnDelete}.disable();}"
new ext.Button()
ID = "btnRefresh",
Text = "Refresh",
Icon = ext.Icon.ArrowRefresh,
Listeners =
Click =
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
new ext.Viewport()
Layout = "BorderLayout",
Items =